Free Your Vital Energy and Live an Extraordinary Life

For 20 years, Master Alex Recchia has been guiding people towards an extraordinary increase in their vital energy to free them from pain and help them live a life rich in well-being, joy, and profound fulfilment.

Services for Wellness Centers and Resorts

[service also available in Italian]

Master Alex Recchia offers his twenty years of experience to support top-tier wellness centers and resorts in further expanding the range of services offered and in instilling in guests that sense of welcoming, freedom, inner peace, and escape from the problems of daily life they are seeking.


Below are some examples of how his skills can contribute to the well-being of guests and further enhance the versatility of the services offered by the Wellness Center.


>Tailored proposals: his sessions of Therapeutic Tai Chi and Qi Gong can seamlessly harmonize with the flagship treatments offered within the Wellness Center. For example, they can be offered as a complement to bioenergetic consultations, an acupuncture session, or in combination with various stress-relief, detox, and holistic therapies available in the catalog, such as massages, Shiatsu treatments, and more.


>Personalized sessions or for small groups: the awakening and energetic rebalancing sessions will transport participants on a journey of rebirth and reconnection with their essence. Guests of the facility can choose to participate in a morning Tai Chi and Qi Gong session, kissed by the first warm rays of the sun, in the presence of the enchanting scenery surrounding the Wellness Center. Alternatively, they can choose to participate in an evening session, admiring the rosy hues of sunsets and surrounded by a circle of scented candles.


These experiences will not only guide guests towards a deep sense of relaxation but also towards a deeper connection with the magical atmosphere that characterizes top-tier establishments.


Additionally, these sessions are a perfect way to stimulate guests' senses before meals, allowing them to taste typical dishes with even more presence and intensity.


>Specific sessions for corporate groups within corporate retreats: specific meetings that will help employees manage stress and improve their inner well-being, as well as relationships with colleagues, with a focus on team building. Furthermore, it is possible to organize Therapeutic Tai Chi and Qi Gong sessions for the employees of the facility itself, teaching them relaxation techniques, concentration, and stress management.


These meetings will further enhance the efficiency and well-being of the staff.


To contact Master Recchia, use the email

Disclaimer: Il Qi Gong non si sostituisce alle cure mediche ma le può coadiuvare ristabilendo una maggiore consapevolezza del proprio corpo. Il Qi Gong non è una pratica alternativa ma fa parte della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese e lavora sinergicamente con la Medicina Occidentale. Prima di praticare Qi Gong è fondamentale sottoporsi a un completo esame medico da parte di un professionista qualificato che possa valutare se la persona è sensibile alla disciplina terapeutica. Allo stesso modo anche nel seguire la pratica del Qi Gong è necessaria una guida qualificata.

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